Course curriculum

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    30 Day Mental Diet Book Club

    • Introduction: Read 1st

    • Zoom Link


    • Clearing Process

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    Week 1 Introduction

    • Week 1 (Day 1): Who You Are?

    • Week 1 (Day 2): Where You Are?

    • Week 1 (Day 3): Why You Are Important?

    • Week 1 (Day 4): Learn To Think Constructively

    • Week 1 (Day 5): Life is For You

    • Week 1 (Day 6): You Have Great Possibilities

    • Week 1 (Day 7): Discovering Yourself

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    Week 2 Introduction

    • Week 2 (Day 8): Live With Enthusiasm

    • Week 2 (Day 9): How to Remove Limitations

    • Week 2 (Day 10): You Always Succeed

    • Week 2 (Day 11): Develop Confidence In Yourself

    • Week 2 (Day 12): How To Create New Ideas

    • Week 2 (Day 13): Stop Being Afraid

    • Week 2 (Day 14): Life Owes You Nothing

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    Week 3 Introduction

    • Week 3 (Day 15): The Art of Getting Along With People

    • Week 3 (Day 16): Make Your Affairs Prosper

    • Week 3 (Day 17): How To Build Security

    • Week 3 (Day 18): Learn To Like Yourself

    • Week 3 (Day 19): Discover Your Place In Life

    • Week 3 (Day 20): Peace Of Mind Can Be Yours

    • Week 3 (Day 21): Using The Power Of Love

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    Week 4 Introduction

    • Week 4 (Day 22): Why You Should Be Healthy

    • Week 4 (Day 23): Learn To Avoid Stress And Anxiety

    • Week 4 (Day 24): How To Insure Your Health

    • Week 4 (Day 25): Ways To Increase Your Vitality

    • Week 4 (Day 26): You Can Avoid Old Age

    • Week 4 (Day 27): Stop Being Sick

    • Week 4 (Day 28): Enjoy New Health & Happiness

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    The Last Two Days

    • (Day 29) Discover A New Joy of Living

    • (Day 30) You Live Your Thoughts

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    35 Principles

    • 35 Principles to Live By ...

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    50 Laws of The Universe

    • 50 Universal Laws

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    The Gospel Assignment

    • Assignment: The Gospel

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    2022 Intention & Goal Setting

    • It's Your Life- Create It!

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    Zoom Videos

    • Video Day 1 Week 1 February 6, 2022

    • Video Day 8 Week 2 February 13 2022

    • Video Day 14 Week 3 Class February 20th 2022

    • Video Days 15-21 Week 4 February 27th

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    Weekly Agendas

    • Week 1 Agenda / February 6th 2022 & Day 1 Notes

    • Week 2 Agenda / February 13th 2022

    • Week 3 Agenda / February 20th, 2022

    • Week 4 Agenda / February 27th, 2022